Saturday, October 31, 2009

Birth control help please!?

If my girlfriend is pregnant and keeps taking birth control what will happen to the baby.i dont need stupid comments just answers please
I take birth control pills and the information packet that comes inside says that it should not affect the baby if you become pregnant while using them. Im sure she can call her doctor to ask and make sure. Im sure you already know that if she is pregnant, she should stop taking them.
buy her an EPT test and stop being stupid. if she is pregnant why would she take them, they are hormones.....
stop taking the birth control pills, and go see an obstetrics physician NOW.
if she is on birth control she won't get the baby for a while.
Nothing will happen and it will not cause her to lose the baby.
I can't remember what it says, but the directions in the box totally have a little blurb about it, so maybe check that out really need to get her to stop. Birth control messes with a woman's hormones and can really screw up things for a developing fetus or for her as well.
I'm not sure what will happen but it specifically says on the warnings: do not take if your are pregnant, nursing, or may become could ask a doctor but your best bet is to make sure to stop...if she is pregnant she can't get pregnant WHILE she is pregnant so what is the point in being on it anyway?
If she's pregnant she should stop taking the pill immediately. I'm not sure what it does to the baby I just know that it's not healthy.
Most birth control meds state in the packaging that they are considered unharmful to baby. However, they do warn that you should stop taking it immediately after finding out you're pregnant. Good luck!
What kind of birth control is she taking? It could harm the babys development if she doesn't stop if it is a chemical like the pill or the shot or the ring/patch. I would call your doctor and get his/her advice-they could tell you more. Why is she taking it still? Is she trying to abort the baby? Please consult a doc asap.
First of all if you think that she really is pregnant get a test done.
Get one at the drug store. I dont think that it will really harm the baby if she is taking birth control and is in fact pregnant. Many women have become pregnant while taking the pill for one reason or another. But if she is pregnant get her off the birth control pills and onto prenatal vitamins especially folic acid as this vitamin helps to prevent spina bifada.

If she isnt pregnant then make sure that you resolve your birth control issues. Buy a large box of condoms. Get her to take the pill regularly at the same time every day.

Good Luck
Birth control pills will not harm a pregnancy.but she should stop taking them if she is pregnant.

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