Sunday, October 25, 2009

Benign Ovarian Tumor removed. After Surgery, Started having R. Temporal Lobe Seizures and fibromyalgia?

Hi there,
I had a benign r. ovarian tumor, fallopian tube removed and within 10 months starting having r. temporal lobe seizures at age 41. Also went into menopause. Also terrible, terrible body aches and felt like I had the flu all the time. Severe fatigue. Lower leg aches and weak when I walk along with lower arm aches. I started aching all over and was on disability for 1 year diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Also terrible, terrible short term memory loss. Can anyone help me to understand this because the dr's sure can't, they just send me to mental health. I am on tegretol for the temporal lobe seizures where the MRI says I have a lesion on the R. side of my brain but thats all they say about that. The seizures are cyclical. I guess I still have a cycle even though I don't have a period and my seizures always happen the same week of every month. I usually have 3 during that week even though I'm on tegretol. Can anyone help me?
Tired in California.
It appears that you are not getting the answers you need from your doctors. You could very well be in early menopause at 41, but that could also be caused by hormonal imbalance due to the lesion on your brain.

Also if you are still having seizures even though you are on medication, why has your doctor not changed your medication?? If one med doesn't work another one probably will. There are many different meds for seizures. I was on anti-seizure meds for 3 months after I had brain surgery as a precaution against seizures. I had an allergic reaction to Dilantin, so my surgeon switched me to Keppra. Since Tegretol isn't working for you they should try another one.

Have any of your doctors told you what the brain lesion is? That is probably what is causing the seizures and some of your other health problems. I was diagnosed with a meningioma brain tumor 3 years ago and initially it was called a lesion (after a CAT scan), but after an MRI it was diagnosed as a "probable meningioma". A definite diagnosis cannot be made until surgery or biopsy, and lab work on the tissue. But from the MRI they should be able to give you a "probable" diagnosis, so you know what you are dealing with.

If you don't have them already, you need to request your own copies of the MRI, CAT scans, written radiologists reports for the scans and whatever else you can get your hands on. These are your medical records and you have a right to your own set of copies.

Once you have those, read them and do your own research online. You can contact many major hospitals directly or have your primary care physician do it for you. Many of these hospitals can give you a treatment recommendation just from sending them your medical records.

This is your health you are dealing with and you are a young woman. Take action in order to get the medical treatment you deserve.

Feel free to contact me by email if you would like to.

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