Sunday, October 25, 2009

BIG CHUNK in my throat....yucky?

I am 34wks pregnant and been extreamly stressed out and upset the last few days.
I have this huge lump like feeling in my throat it wont go away and feels like I need to really burp all the time or vommit. Does any one know what it could be? Is there any way to get rid of it? PLZ help so Yucky feeling.

Oh and also I have been VERY short of breath.
Acid reflux.
Or the baby is pressing on your diaphragm which in turn is pressing your stomach.

I hope you are in prenatal care.
If you are worried about it, why waste you time here?
Call the Dr.
It's your nerves,dear.
maybe u are nervous about the birth hun.
If you are very short of breath you should seek urgent medical attention to make sure you recover faster then leaving it get worse/better
you sound like you have a permanent feeling of that nervousnessyou get before a speech in front of your whole high school.

maybe you are just scared
Pregnant ladies can suffer from depression as well as anxiety especially in the first pregnancy. Feeling a lump could be due 2 these psycho logical problems. However, if it remains all the time, u should see an ENT specialist.
Getting short of breath in 34th week is due 2 the fact that ur enlarged uterus is pushing the diaphragm up against the lungs. U would get some relief by having regular walks %26 by using a bed whose head can be lifted a bit so u do not sleep flat, the diaphragm goes a little down giving more breathing space 2 lungs.
It could be a goiter (thyriod) and childbirth can bring that on when you go back to your doctor tell him see if he can feel a lump. A woman i know had this to happen when she went into labor her eyes almost popped out yes this is true I cannot remmber the name of this but it is a thyriod problem . This lady has now underwent 6 eye surgeries because her eyes got so big and they are still not back to normal size. Thyriod can mean life or death so don't put this off tell your doctor soon.

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