Sunday, October 25, 2009

Belly ring help please?

so my belly ring prolly got infected. it was huge and was bigger than the ball of my own bellyring and made the belly ring tip over n stay like that. i went to the doctors and got medicine may 21st and ended the medicine on may 28th with great results, the bump shrunk alot and it looks so much better than it did before. the bump is teeny yet still noticeable and im taking care of it very well by putting hydrogen peroxide on it about 2 times a day since may 21st. will it get better or will it stay like that? and how long should i wait before i can change my belly ring?
wait about 3 months if possible, but keep on cleaning it.good luck.
ummm..not to be rude but the doctor gave u that medicine for a u should keep taking it until its gone...cuz not all of them are idiots.and its just like getting your ears pierced...keep your hands off of it.unless u washed them REALLY well first.
Dont woprry! I had belly ring issues too! First of all, is putting peroxide on it what your doctor said to do??! Did whoever pierced you tell you anything otherwise? Because when I pierced my nose it said to NOT use perioxide or alcohol or anything as it could make things a whole lot worse. In stead go to your local store and look for 'bactine' in helps numb and protects from infection. also, if you havent already try soaking it in sea salt water twice a day. again just go to your local store and get SEA salt, other other stuff isnt as good and then put some in water and apply that twice a day. I stil have a nasty little bump wheree mine used to be, but I took it out. I wasnt taking very good care of it so its no suprise. But please try some of this other stuff besides peroxide!! Take care, and heal uP!
~Tyanna Lynae~
Peroxide will make it irritated longer, it is for abraisons only. The only thing you should ever clean any piercing with is anti bacterial soap 1-2 times a day, do not over clean and do not touch it unlesss you wash your hands. if after it is fully healed (roughly 6 months) and you can easily remove and insert the jewlery, take it out while taking a shower/bath and masage the pierced area to break down any scar tissue that may have developed from the infection and immediatly put the jewlery back in afterwards. do not use ointments since they seal in any bacteria into your piercing, it is used just to ease the piercing process, not as a medication to heal.

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