Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Birth control...is it normal?

I am 36, have 3 kids, and on birth control for the first time.
I always left it up to fate before but now I need protection, and I feel a little old to be so inexperienced in this area.
I had a period right after starting the pill (low dose),then I had another small one 10 days later. Ever since I spot every few days but no more actual period. I always thought the pill would regulate it. The spotting the doctor told me to expect. My mother says this isn't right and I will be talking to the doctor again, but I just would like to find out if this happens to others.
The first three months are going to be a toss-up because your body is getting used to the new "regular" cycle. You may have spotting or you may have a period.

I am actually having a problem right now similar to yours, but I do have a period (that lasts only two days of really heavy stuff). I've been having to wear a panty liner the week before and during when my period is supposed to be.

If they have you on a tri-cycle pill (meaning all the pills are different colors each week), then they may put you on a cycle pill that has the same level of hormones each week until the week "off" where your period is supposed to be. That might help relieve the spotting, but your doctor will most likely tell you to wait and see what happens after the first few months.

At your age (and since you don't need to worry about wondering if you are pregnant), you should consider taking the shot that will allow you not to have a period for several months or not at all. That way you won't have to deal with it. If you like having the monthly visitor, then consider switching to a different dosage.

P.S. - some doctors are stupid and will give people who are over 125-140 lbs the LOW dosage birth control. If you are under those weights and taller than 5'4'', then you can take low dose. Otherwise, you need the higher dosage to be safe.
no it different from before and after u take it
All I'm going to say is I know 2 women who were probably 10-20 pounds overweight, since they have taken birth control they have gained 50-100 pounds. No joke.
i don't no
Yes, this is a common experience. Your body is regulating itself against the hormones you're putting into it. It may take as long as 3 months for that to stop, it did for me. You are right to be a little concerned about it, and it's good that you're going to the doctor just to get it checked out, but it happened when I started. It also gets whacky after you stop taking the pill as well.
Ok, a little "break through bleeding"/spotting is normal when starting on birth control (it did with me!). However, it is not normal for it to continue or for you to start your period while still taking the pill. I would talk to your gyn about it!
You may need a stronger dose, ask your doctor.
After many years of not being on birth control, I started taking them and the same thing happened to me..I was spotting pretty much throughout the entire month! I would recommend talking to your doc because whilst it may not be anything to be alarmed about, spotting is a common side effect of many birth control pills, it is very inconvenient to be constantly spotting. Doc'll probably tell you to switch to a higher dose pill.
if you bleed after taking a pill , maybe you should try a progesterone based birth control, like a monthly or bimonthly injection, or even IUD, you should try to use combined pills with progesterone and estrogen to regulate.
Birth control is absolutely normal, this is your body ergo: it is your decision what you want and not!
If you have problems with your current pill, than don't feel anxious do ask you Doc. over and over again to figure out the right Pill for you, there are a lot of brand with different action..so good luck to you
i had to try about 5 different pills before i found one that worked. takes about 3 months to regulate. talk to your dr about trying or changing the pill
it is a well known fact that the pill will cause break through bleeding and even pregnancy. On top of that other side effects include drug interactions, blood clots, weight gain, mood swings, and even strokes.

Have you looked into NFP? It is not the Catholic rhythm method but a safe %26 reliable means to avoid/achieve a pregnancy. Anyone can use it including those w/serious illnesses or irregular cycles.

My husband %26 I have used it successfully for 10 yrs. to avoid a pregnancy due to serious health problems I have. We learned about natural family planning via a local hospital %26 had an NFP pracititioner teach us about our fertility. It's easy to learn easy to use, it's CHEAP, %26 safe. No worries about bloodclots or serious side effects like the pill at all.

It does require committment %26 communication from both partners but isn't that what marriage is all about? You have so much to gain %26 nothing to lose. Can the same be said about the pill? below are the links to find a local hospital that teaches NFP near your town.

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