Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Birth control question?

Hi girls ,I'm trying to decide if I should go on the pill , and I was wondering how many days does it take for the pills to be in your system and start working.thanks for your help :-)
That depends on which pill you take, and when you start it. Most pills say that they become effective for birth control within one week, while most doctors recommend waiting a full cycle (pack of pills) before you stop using your back up birth control method.

In terms of having the hormones regulating your cycle, it can take several months before the pills give you a consistent, predictable period.
Depends on what you're taking it for...

If you're taking it to not get pregnant, it works pretty much within the first few days.

If you're taking it to get rid of acne or something like that, it will take 2-3 months.
My doctor told me one to two weeks for my birth control pills.

So plan on wearing a condom for the first week or two.

You should ask your doctor when they prescribe the pill to you.

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