Tuesday, May 25, 2010

BIrth control question HELP!!!?

I have been off the birh control shot since like may 23,2007 but i have been on my period for almost two months straight, i took advil for like 2 weeks but i saw no cahnge. What can i do for it to be back regular and will it ever go back to normal. ( if so how long will it take)
Talk to your doctor! They could give you something to hopefully stop the bleeding. Or it could be something serious!

I'm glad to hear you are off of the shot. I had it for four years and am so glad I'm off of it.
you need to go to the doctor
It can take for up to a year for your period to become normal after being on the bc shot.
It will get back to normal it depends how long you were on the shot because you never had a period on the shot. And you willl just have to wait it out and it will get back to normal it may be a while but that all depends on how long you were on the shot.
you should really talk to your doctor.. thats a long time to be on your period, get that checked out. use the pill
It is normal for your period to be irregular after you stop getting Depo. Your body needs to get used to the changes in hormones. Have you considered using the pill or other types of birth control? If you are having continuous heavy bleeding then I would reccomend you see a doctor.
You really need to get checked out. Bleeding for that long will cause anemia, and you need to get treated for it. You may have to take birth control pills for a bit to get your period more regulated. This is just not normal and very unhealthy for you.
Hope you get fixed soon!
I tried the birth control shot a couple of years ago and it did the same thing to me. The doctor warned me that a small percentage of women with have the side effect of being on their period for the whole three months that the shot lasts. Unfortunately, I guess we're in that percentage. There was really nothing I could do but wait until all of the hormones were out of my system (3 whole months!). After the first shot I never tried it again, but the doctor said that there's a chance that your periods could go back to normal after a few more months. So I guess it's up to you if you give it another chance or switch to something else. After that I tried the ortho evra patch and that works great for me.

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